Tuesday, November 13, 2018

lymphoma symptoms in women| Major symptoms of cancer not to be ignored

Major symptoms of cancer not to be ignored

In recent decades, cancer has become one of the most common threats of life. The most common cancers that often affect women's health are breast, cervical, endometrial, colon, lung, skin and ovarian cancers. Unfortunately, many women ignore some obvious signs of cancer or are not able to identify known symptoms of cancer. Women should be aware of their health and women should consult a doctor if necessary. Every woman should know the symptoms of cancer generally ignored: this will help to detect cancer at an early stage and will help to treat or even cure the cancer as soon as possible. Early detection of cancer saves lives. Ignorance of the possible symptoms of cancer can end badly.

In most cases, the body warns women against cancer transformations. Women should trust the instincts and bodily signs that can save women's lives. Many types of cancer at an early stage can be treated effectively.

"The symptoms are not enemies to destroy, but sacred messengers that encourage us to take better care of ourselves"
Main symptoms of cancer not to be ignored: general health status
Unexpected weight loss
All women want to be beautiful and attractive and sometimes unexplained (without trying) weight loss can be considered a good change, but not an unplanned continuous weight loss can be a sign of cancer alert. Losing more than 5-10 kg for a short period of time without any diet or physical activity can indicate a big problem. At the same time, sudden unusual changes in appetite can also be a symptom of warning. Cancer of the esophagus, pancreas, liver or colon can lead to weight loss. Leukemia and lymphoma can also cause unexpected weight loss.

Sometimes women can lose weight during a thyroid stress or dysfunction.

Unusual Fatigue
Many women often feel tired because of the hectic life, but this never happens after a good sleep, a good day or after a relaxed holiday. If you experience unusual persistent fatigue for more than 2 weeks, this could be a warning sign. According to health experts, anemia and depression could also cause extreme fatigue. At the same time, leukemia and lymphoma change body energy levels and may be responsible for persistent fatigue.

Excessive bruising
Super-active children often have bruises but adults (especially women) may have bruises rarely and only after a few accidents (traumas). Clumsy women could have more bruises. If you discover some random contusions that appear all the time in unusual body places, this could be a warning sign. During anemia and leukemia, women may have excessive bruising.

Frequent fevers
Frequent fevers can be a symptom of weakening of the immune system. Several health conditions could lead to a depressed immune system, but special attention should be given to leukemia and lymphoma. The unexplained fever that does not disappear could be a sign of cancerous transformations of the blood. When the immune system is weakened, women may have frequent infections (flu, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, or even pneumonia).

Main symptoms of cancer not to be ignored: reproductive system and breasts
Major symptoms of cancer not to be ignored
Major symptoms of cancer not to be ignored

Uterine bleeding
The female body undergoes hormonal fluctuations during different periods of life (puberty, reproductive period, pregnancy, menopause) and during monthly menstrual cycles. Women suffering from obesity, thyroid dysfunction, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, stress and intense physical activity may experience several hormonal disorders. Hormonal dysfunctions can often be responsible for menstrual disorders such as irregular menstruation, late menstruation, Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, or frequent menstruation. Particular attention should be given to the significantly more abundant rules, irregular uterine bleeding and bleeding between the rules that may be early signs of endometrial, cervical or ovarian cancer. Sometimes bleeding can be combined with pelvic pain.

Special attention should be given to post-menopausal bleeding, which can often be an alarming indicator of cervical or uterine cancer. Never ignore bleeding after menopause.

Abnormal vaginal discharge
Every healthy woman has normal vaginal discharge: white, transparent or yellowish without foul smell. The volume and appearance of normal healthy vaginal discharge can be altered during the monthly menstrual cycle. Women can easily notice changes in vaginal discharge. nauseating or smelly vaginal discharge may be a symptom of cervical cancer.

Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. It can occur at any age, but the risks increase with aging. The most common symptoms of breast cancer include:

Lump in a breast (painless or painful, tender or hard, most often with irregular edges);
Nipples changed (inverted nipple, itchy nipple, unusual appearance);
Breast pain (localized pain, armpit pain);
Appearance of the skin of the breast (skin dimple, discoloration, itching, changes in skin texture);
Breast shape (changing the shape of the breast on one side);
redness of breasts (irritation, inflammation).
Main symptoms of cancer not to be ignored: gastro-intestinal system
Bloating, abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, rectal bleeding and blood in the stool or urine can be seen as harbingers. If the symptoms mentioned are associated with unexpected weight loss and do not disappear for 1-2 weeks, they may indicate ovarian, uterine, colon, pancreas, bladder or kidney cancer.

Difficulty swallowing
Every day we swallow food without thinking. But once you may have difficulty swallowing that can be caused by a simple sore throat. Particular attention should be given to the persistent difficulty of swallowing, especially if it is associated with vomiting and weight loss: This can be a sign of cancer of the throat, stomach, lung or even thyroid tumor. If your difficulty in swallowing lasts more than two weeks, it is better to consult your doctor.

Sore mouth
During the cold or flu, many people experience oral pain, but it never lasts more than 1-2 weeks. If you are suffering from persistent pain in the mouth and pain associated with oral ulcers or white or bright red plaques in your mouth or lips, the time has come to request a medical examination. The cancer of the oral cavity is not common but this can happen especially in case of important smoking.

Stomach ache
The upset stomach is very common and the causes are always clear: food of unusual quality or of poor quality, stress, pregnancy, flu or gastrointestinal diseases. At the same time, sudden and persistent pain in the stomach, sometimes associated with nausea that lasts more than two weeks, could be a sign of esophageal cancer, liver, pancreas, colon or leukemia.

Heartburn is a very common simple state that happens almost with all people especially after gluttony, excessive alcohol consumption or stress. If you change your diet, the heartburn will disappear pretty quickly. Usually, heartburn disappears after a few hours or a day. Persistent heartburn can damage the inner mucosa of the esophagus and lead to the development of a very special condition called "Barrett's Esophagus" that can lead to throat cancer. In general, persistent heartburn that lasts longer than 2 weeks may be a sign of stomach, throat or ovarian cancer.

Main symptoms of cancer not to be ignored: skin
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in many countries. Fortunately, skin changes can be easily detected and early stages of skin cancer can be easily identified. If you notice changes in the size, shape or color of a skin patch, this could be considered a sign of cancerous transformation. Special attention should be given to asymmetric brown or black appearances with irregular edges, blurred or fragmented borders.

Main symptoms of cancer not to be ignored: respiratory system
Persistent chronic cough (more than 2 weeks), chest pain, wheezing or shortness of breath may be considered symptoms of lung cancer or leukemia. Spitting blood should be considered a red sign of emergency medical care.

Main symptoms of cancer not to be ignored: lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are an important component of the human immune system. The lymph nodes are small, soft, bean-shaped nodules that act as "cleaners" cells of the body. In most cases, swollen lymph nodes appear during infections. Unfortunately, some types of cancer (especially metastatic forms) can also cause swollen painful lymph nodes. swollen lymph nodes may appear on the neck, armpits or groin. Swollen painful lymph nodes are typical of leukemia and lymphoma.

Major symptoms of cancer not to be ignored: pain
Many women suffer from chronic migraine of different genesis that is not dangerous for life. But sudden and unexpected headaches could signal something bad.

Unusual pain
In general, persistent pain in the bones or continuing headaches or unusual persistent backaches should be tested by doctors. Any unexplained pain in progress can be a sign of cancer of the brain, bones, liver, breast or other types of cancer.

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Related : lymphoma symptoms in women| Major symptoms of cancer not to be ignored


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